Binary Trees
Grow a tree
- Problem 55 - Generate balanced binary trees.
- Problem 56 - Determine if a tree is symmetric.
- Problem 57 - Generate a binary tree from a list of integers.
- Problem 58 - Generate symmetric and balanced trees of a given number of nodes.
- Problem 59 - Generate height-balanced trees.
- Problem 60 - Generate height-balanced trees with a give number of nodes.
Traverse a Tree
Solving these three tree traversal problems will make it easier to solve the rest of the tree challenges
- Problem 68a - Extract a list of nodes of a tree in pre-order.
- Problem 68b - Extract a list of nodes of a tree in in-order.
- Problem 68c - Generate a tree from a pre-order list of nodes.
Welcome to the Jungle
- Problem 61a - Count the leaves of a tree.
- Problem 61b - Collect the leaves of tree into a list.
- Problem 62a - Count the internal nodes of a tree.
- Problem 62b - Collect the internal nodes of tree into a list.
- Problem 63 - Construct a complete binary tree.
- Problem 64 - Give coordinates to draw a binary tree, method 1.
- Problem 65 - Give coordinates to draw a binary tree, method 2.
- Problem 66 - Give coordinates to draw a binary tree, method 3.
- Problem 67 - Generate a string representation of a tree.
- Problem 69 - Generate height-balanced trees with a give number of nodes.
- Problem 70 - Generate a dot-string representation of a tree.