Problem 62b

Extract the internal nodes (those that have non-empty subtrees) of a binary tree into a list.


tree = Tree 'a' (Tree 'b' Empty (Tree 'c' Empty Empty))
                 (Tree 'd' Empty (Tree 'e' Empty Empty))

getInternals tree == ['a', 'b', 'd']

Unit Test

import Html
import List

type Tree a
    = Empty
    | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

getInternals : Tree a -> List a
getInternals tree =
    -- your implemenation goes here

main: Html.Html a
main =
        <| case test of
            0 ->
                "Your implementation passed all tests."

            1 ->
                "Your implementation failed one test."

            x ->
                "Your implementation failed " ++ (toString x) ++ " tests."

test : Int
test =
        <| List.filter ((==) False)
            [ getInternals Empty == []
            , getInternals (Node 1 Empty Empty) == []
            , List.sort (getInternals (Node 1 (Node 2 Empty Empty) Empty)) == [ 1 ]
            , List.sort (getInternals (Node 1 (Node 2 Empty Empty) (Node 0 Empty Empty))) == [ 1 ]
            , List.sort (getInternals (Node "A" (Node "B" Empty Empty) (Node "C" Empty Empty))) == [ "A" ]
            , List.sort
                    (Node 1
                        (Node 1 Empty (Node 4 Empty Empty))
                        (Node 1 (Node 2 Empty Empty) Empty)
                == [1, 1, 1]


  1. You don't need no stinking hints!



results matching ""

    No results matching ""