Problem 32

Determine the greatest common divisor of two positive integer numbers. Use Euclid's algorithm which recurses over the following steps:

  1. Given two numbers, a and b divide a by b
  2. If the remainder of the division is 0, the numerator is the gcd.
  3. else divide the demoninator by the remainder and return to step 2.


gcd 36 63 = 9

Unit Test

import Html
import List
import Maybe

gcd : Int -> Int -> Int
gcd a b =
    -- Your implementation goes here

main =
        (if (test) then
            "Your implementation passed all tests."
            "Your implementation failed at least one test."

test : Bool
test =
    List.all (\( result, expect ) -> result == expect)
        [ ( gcd 36 63, 9 )
        , ( gcd 10 25, 5 )
        , ( gcd 120 120, 120 )
        , ( gcd 2 12, 2 )
        , ( gcd 23 37, 1 )
        , ( gcd 45 330, 15 )
        , ( gcd 24528 65934, 6 )
        , ( gcd 120 -120, 120 )
        , ( gcd -2 12, 2 )
        , ( gcd 37 23, 1 )

(..) : Int -> Int -> List Int
(..) start end =
    List.range start end


  1. This is easy!


results matching ""

    No results matching ""