Problem 73
a) Write a function of represent a multiway tree as a String, using the "Lispy" convention illustrated above.
b) Build an Tree from a "Lispy" string.
import Html exposing (text)
type Tree a = Node a (List (Tree a))
tree1 = Node 'a' []
tree2 = Node 'a' [Node 'b' []]
tree3 = Node 'a' [Node 'b' [Node 'c' []]]
tree4 = Node 'b' [Node 'd' [], Node 'e' []]
tree5 =
Node 'a'
[ Node 'f'
[ Node 'g' []]
, Node 'c' []
, Node 'b'
[ Node 'd' []
, Node 'e' []
s5 = "(a(f(g)cb(de)))"
lispify : Tree a -> String
lispify t =
-- your implementation here
delispify : String -> Tree Char
delispify s =
-- your implementation here
Node 'x' []
main =
(if (test) then
"Your implementation passed all tests."
"Your implementation failed at least one test."
test : Bool
test =
List.all ((==) True)
[ tree4 == delispify "(b(d(d)))"
, lispify tree4 == "(b(d(d)))"
, tree5 == delispify s5
, lispify tree5 == s5
['g', 'f', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'b', 'a']