Problem 86b
Use the Welsh-Powell algorithm to color a graph with the minimum number of colors.
Unit Test
import Html
import List
import Set
{-| A node has a value, degree and a color
type alias Node comparable =
( comparable, Int, Int )
type alias Edge comparable =
( comparable, comparable, Int )
type alias Graph comparable =
( List (Node comparable), List (Edge comparable) )
{-| Given a graph return a graph with the node colors set
with the minimum number of colors (using the Welsh-Powell algorithm)
colorize : Graph comparable -> Graph comparable
colorize ( nodes, edges ) =
-- your implemenation goes here
( nodes, edges )
main : Html.Html a
main =
<| case test of
0 ->
"Your implementation passed all tests."
1 ->
"Your implementation failed one test."
x ->
"Your implementation failed " ++ (toString x) ++ " tests."
test : Int
test =
<| List.filter ((==) False)
[ testColor graph84 (colorize graph84)
, testColor graph80 (colorize graph80)
, testColor ( [], [] ) (colorize ( [], [] ))
{-| Given a graph, return true if it properly colored.
* The graph must have no more than 4 colors,
* All neighboring nodes must have different colors
testColor : Graph comparable -> Graph comparable -> Bool
testColor ( n1, e1 ) ( nodes, edges ) =
lessThan5 =
List.all (\( v, d, c ) -> (c > 0) && (c < 5)) nodes
neighborsDiffer =
List.all (\( ca, cb ) -> ca /= cb)
<| (\( a, b, w ) -> ( (colorOfNode a nodes), (colorOfNode b nodes) )) edges
eTest = (\(a,b,w) -> (a,b))
nTest = (\(v,d,c) -> v)
List.all ((==) True)
[ lessThan5
, neighborsDiffer
, (eTest e1) == (eTest edges)
, List.sort (nTest n1) == List.sort (nTest nodes)
colorOfNode : comparable -> List (Node comparable) -> Int
colorOfNode v nodes =
case nodes of
[] ->
( vv, d, c ) :: ns ->
if v == vv then
colorOfNode v ns
graph80 =
( [ ( 'b', 2, 0 )
, ( 'c', 2, 0 )
, ( 'd', 0, 0 )
, ( 'f', 3, 0 )
, ( 'g', 1, 0 )
, ( 'h', 1, 0 )
, ( 'k', 1, 0 )
, [ ( 'b', 'c', 5 )
, ( 'b', 'f', 8 )
, ( 'c', 'f', 9 )
, ( 'f', 'k', 17 )
, ( 'g', 'h', 15 )
graph81 =
-- has a loop and parallel edges
( [ ( 'b', 2, 0 )
, ( 'c', 2, 0 )
, ( 'd', 0, 0 )
, ( 'f', 3, 0 )
, ( 'g', 4, 0 )
, ( 'h', 2, 0 )
, ( 'k', 1, 0 )
, [ ( 'b', 'c', 5 )
, ( 'b', 'f', 8 )
, ( 'c', 'f', 9 )
, ( 'f', 'k', 17 )
, ( 'g', 'h', 15 )
, ( 'g', 'h', 14 )
, ( 'g', 'g', 15 )
graph84 =
( [ ( 'b', 3, 0 )
, ( 'c', 2, 0 )
, ( 'd', 0, 0 )
, ( 'f', 4, 0 )
, ( 'g', 3, 0 )
, ( 'h', 1, 0 )
, ( 'k', 1, 0 )
, [ ( 'b', 'c', 5 )
, ( 'b', 'f', 8 )
, ( 'b', 'g', 9 )
, ( 'c', 'f', 9 )
, ( 'f', 'g', 13 )
, ( 'f', 'k', 17 )
, ( 'g', 'h', 15 )