Problem 56
We call a binary tree symmetric if you can draw a vertical line through the root node and the right subtree is the mirror image of the left subtree. Write a function to check if a binary tree is structurally symmetric (ignore the node values).
tree1 =
Node 1
(Node 2
(Node 3 Empty Empty)
(Node 4
(Node 5 Empty Empty)))
(Node 6
(Node 7 Empty Empty)
(Node 8
(Node 9 Empty Empty)
isSymmetric tree1 == True
Unit Test
import Html
import List
type Tree a
= Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
isSymmetric : Tree a -> Bool
isSymmetric tree =
-- your implementation goes here
main : Html.Html a
main =
(if (test) then
"Your implementation passed all tests."
"Your implementation failed at least one test."
test : Bool
test =
List.all ((==) True)
[ isSymmetric tree1
, isSymmetric (Node '1' Empty (Node '2' Empty Empty)) == False
, isSymmetric (Node '1' (Node '2' Empty Empty) (Node '3' Empty (Node '4' Empty Empty))) == False
, isSymmetric Empty
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 3)
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 4) == False
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 6) == False
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 7)
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 15)
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 31)
, isSymmetric (balancedTree 32) == False
tree1 =
Node 1
(Node 2
(Node 3 Empty Empty)
(Node 4
(Node 5 Empty Empty)))
(Node 6
(Node 8
(Node 9 Empty Empty)
(Node 7 Empty Empty))
balancedTree : Int -> Tree Char
balancedTree n =
List.foldl (addBalancedNode) Empty <| List.repeat n 'x'
addBalancedNode : a -> Tree a -> Tree a
addBalancedNode v tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v Empty Empty
Node v_ left right ->
if count left > count right then
Node v_ left (addBalancedNode v right)
Node v_ (addBalancedNode v left) right
-- count number of Nodes in a Tree
count : Tree a -> Int
count tree =
case tree of
Empty -> 0
Node n left right ->
1 + (count left) + (count right)
- Look in the mirror (recursively).