Problem 70b
Generate a string representation of a multiway tree in depth-first order. Insert the special character ^ whenever the move is a backtrack to the previous level.
By this rule, the tree below is represented as: afg^^c^bd^e^^^
a) Write a function to convert a multiway tree to a string representation.
b) Write a function to convert a string representation to a multiway tree.
type MTree a = MNode a (List (MTree a))
mtree70 = MNode 'a'
[ MNode 'f' [ MNode 'g' [] ]
, MNode 'c' []
, MNode 'b' [ MNode 'd' [], MNode 'e' [] ]
s70 = "afg^^c^bd^e^^^"
s70 == treeToString <| stringToTree s70
Unit Test
import Html
import List
import Maybe
import String
type MTree a = MNode a (List (MTree a))
stringToTree : String -> MTree Char
stringToTree s =
-- your implemenation goes here
MNode 'X' []
treeToString : MTree Char -> String
treeToString tree =
"Your implementation goes here"
main =
(if (test) then
"Your implementation passed all tests."
"Your implementation failed at least one test."
test : Bool
test =
List.all ((==) True)
[ mtree70 == stringToTree string70
, string70 == treeToString mtree70
, aT == stringToTree aS
, aS == treeToString aT
aS = "af^c^b^^"
aT = MNode 'a'
[ MNode 'f' []
, MNode 'c' []
, MNode 'b' []
string70 = "afg^^c^bd^e^^^"
mtree70 = MNode 'a'
[ MNode 'f' [ MNode 'g' [] ]
, MNode 'c' []
, MNode 'b' [ MNode 'd' [], MNode 'e' [] ]
- This problem is similar to Problem 69.
- Traverse the tree in pre-order with a function that returns two values, the tree value and the unused portion of the string.
- Treating the root node differently that the rest of the tree may result in simpler functions.
may come in handy