Problem 64 Solutions
Solution 1
Set the x and y coordinates in a single pass using in-order traversal.
layout : Tree a -> Tree (a, (Int, Int))
layout tree =
layoutAux 1 1 tree
|> Tuple.first
layoutAux : Int -> Int -> Tree a -> (Tree (a,(Int,Int)), Int)
layoutAux x y tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
(Empty, x)
Node n l r ->
(lTree, xl) = layoutAux x (y+1) l
(rTree, xr) = layoutAux (xl+1) (y+1) r
(Node (n, (xl,y)) lTree rTree, xr)
Solution 2
This solution breaks down the process into three steps,
- Inserting a coordinate to each node
treeMap addXY tree
- Setting the y value to the depth
treeMapDepth setY 1
- Setting the x value to the in-order index
treeMapInOrder setX 1
This is not an efficient solution, as the tree must be traversed multiple times. However the traversal functions treeMapDepth
and treeMapInOrder
modeled on List.indexedMap
will be useful functions for other problems.
layout : Tree a -> Tree (a, (Int, Int))
layout tree =
treeMap addXY tree
|> treeMapDepth setY 1
|> treeMapInOrder setX 1
addXY : a -> (a, (Int, Int))
addXY v =
(v, (0, 0))
setY : Int -> (a, (Int, Int)) -> (a, (Int, Int))
setY n (v, (x, y)) =
(v, (x, n))
setX : Int -> (a, (Int, Int)) -> (a, (Int, Int))
setX n (v, (x, y)) =
(v, (n, y))
treeMap : (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMap f tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v left right ->
Node (f v) (treeMap f left) (treeMap f right)
-- apply a function to each node, passing the depth as a parameter
treeMapDepth : (Int -> a -> b) -> Int -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMapDepth f d tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v left right ->
Node (f d v)
(treeMapDepth f (d + 1) left)
(treeMapDepth f (d + 1) right)
-- apply a function to each node, passing the in-order index as a parameter
treeMapInOrder : (Int -> a -> b) -> Int -> Tree a -> Tree b
treeMapInOrder f n tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v left right ->
nn = (n + (treeCount left))
Node (f nn v)
(treeMapInOrder f n left)
(treeMapInOrder f (nn + 1) right)
-- count number of Nodes in a Tree
treeCount : Tree a -> Int
treeCount tree =
case tree of
Empty -> 0
Node n left right ->
1 + (treeCount left) + (treeCount right)