Recursion on Lists
Example 1
Let's use Problem 4 as a simple example of recursing through a list.
countElements : List a -> Int
countElements list =
case list of
[ ]
-> 0
hd :: tl
-> 1 + countElements tl
When recursing over a list's items you will often use the x :: xs
cons construction to identify the head and the tail. You can use the head as a value then pass the tail to the same function. In this example we ignore the list item value, adding 1 for each element regardless of its value.
To avoid an infinite loop, there must be a case where the function is not called, bringing an end to the recusion stack. Frequently, as in this example, that is the empty list.
Example 2
Frequently when recursing over a list, you will build up a new list to return as a result. Problem 5 builds a new list in reverse order from it's input.
myReverse : List a -> List a
myReverse list =
case list of
[] ->
x :: xs ->
(myReverse xs) ++ [x]
Problems to solve using recursion
Problem 14 - Use recursion to duplicate each item of a list using recursion and (::)
Problem 15 - Use recursion to repeat a specified number of times each item of a list using recursion and (::)
and List.repeat
Extra 1 - Pass a function to remove some elements from the front of a list.
Extra 2 - Pass a function to remove some elements from the back of a list.