Problem 55
In a balanced binary tree the difference between the number of nodes in the left and right subtrees of every node is less than one.
Write a function to construct a balanced binary tree for a given number of nodes. Put the letter 'x' as data value for all nodes of the tree.
balancedTree 3 ==
(Node 'x'
(Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty))
(Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)))
Unit Test
import Html
import List
import String
type Tree a
= Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
balancedTree : Int -> Tree Char
balancedTree n =
-- your implementation here
main =
(if (test) then
"Your implementation passed all tests."
"Your implementation failed at least one test."
test : Bool
test =
List.all ((==) True)
[ count Empty == 0
, count (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) == 1
, count (Node 'x' (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty))) == 3
, count (Node 'x'
(Node 'x' (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)))
(Node 'x' (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)))) == 7
, balancedTree 0 == Empty
, balancedTree -1 == Empty
, balancedTree 1 == (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty))
, balancedTree 3 == (Node 'x' (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)))
, balancedTree 7 == (Node 'x'
(Node 'x' (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)))
(Node 'x' (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty)) (Node 'x' (Empty) (Empty))))
, testBalance (balancedTree 3) 3 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 4) 4 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 5) 5 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 7) 7 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 21) 21 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 31) 31 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 32) 32 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 33) 33 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 59) 59 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 64) 64 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 73) 73 == True
, testBalance (balancedTree 5000) 5000 == True
testBalance : Tree a -> Int -> Bool
testBalance tree n =
case tree of
Empty ->
n == 0
Node node left right ->
List.all ((==) True)
[ (abs (count left) - count (right)) < 2
, count tree == n
-- count number of Nodes in a Tree
count : Tree a -> Int
count tree =
case tree of
Empty -> 0
Node n left right ->
1 + (count left) + (count right)