Problem 41
Find all even numbers within a range which are the sum of two prime numbers that are both greater than a specified threshold.
goldbachGT 1 2000 50 == [(73,919),(61,1321),(67,1789),(61,1867)]
Unit Test
import Html
import List
goldbachGT : Int -> Int -> Int -> List (Int, Int)
goldbachGT low high limit =
-- your implemenation goes here
main =
(if (test) then
"Your implementation passed all tests."
"Your implementation failed at least one test."
test : Bool
test =
List.all ((==) True)
[ goldbachGT 1 2000 50 == [(73,919),(61,1321),(67,1789),(61,1867)]
, goldbachGT (73 + 919) (73 + 919) 50 == [(73,919)]
, goldbachGT 1 1000 80 == []
, goldbachGT 1 200 12 == [(19,79),(13,109),(13,113),(19,109)]
- Use the solution from Problem 40.